"Generative entrepreneurship, business priorities and digital challenges."
June 12-14, 2024
Submit a Paper
Authors may choose one of the following publication options, in electronic format, for their work:
AEDEM Abstracts
only the summary of the works will be published in their corresponding book of abstracts.
AEDEM Proceedings
both the abstract and the completed paper will be published in the corresponding book of minutes.
AEDEM work in progress
only the abstract of the work will be published in the corresponding book of abstracts.
All signatories of work must be REGISTERED in Congress BEFORE the deadline, in one of the two variants:
Failure to comply with these regulations implies the immediate elimination of work (on the Congress website you will find all the necessary information for the registration and payment of the corresponding fees).
Papers must be submitted through the private zone, http://www.redaedem.org/areaprivada/.
To do this, you must enter with username and password, access the Works area and enter the title of the work, the authors, the area of knowledge, the prize or prizes to which the work is a candidate, and the attached work following the format required.
Two documents must be uploaded to the website (always an abstract and one of the other three options):
including only the summary of the work and keywords, as well as the identification data of the authors.
with the complete article (*), omitting the authors' data and any other information that allows their identification.
in the case of work in progress, the following template should be used:
For those authors who send their final research papers for TFG-TFM studies, you can consult the following information:
(*)Work in progress papers can also be sent. In this case, the authors must send the abstract. To qualify for the congress awards it is mandatory to send the complete work, therefore, the works in progress cannot be eligible for them.
Work format
The writing of the text must be done and sent in Microsoft Word format.
The works may not exceed 80,000 characters or 18 pages (including graphs, tables, tables and bibliographic references).
They may be presented in Spanish, English or Portuguese.
A4 written in simple and justified space.
Margins: 2.5 centimetres upper and lower and 3 centimetres left and right (normal margin of Microsoft Word).
Typeface: Garamond; body 12 for texts; body 14 and bold for job title; body 12 and bold for titles and headings; and body 8 for footnotes.
The header in capital letters and bold.
Space after each heading.
The thanks will appear at the end of the text before the bibliographical references.
Bibliographical references will appear at the end of the text.
It is recommended not to use footnotes.
Tables and texts in definitive formats and inserted in the text.
Failure to comply with these regulations implies the immediate elimination of work (on the Congress website you will find all the necessary information for the registration and payment of the corresponding fees.
--- For the presentation to be accepted, all the speakers must be registered in the Conference ---